
Monday, September 4, 2017

"Natsu-matsuri", Summer Festival.

"Natsu" means summer and "Matsuri" festival. It refers to ceremonies of Shinto, ancient japanese "religion", worshipping "Shinreikon", the spirit of God.

Almost every city or village in Japan , it is said that there are more than 10,000, has at least one Matsuri in late summer, usually related to the rice harvest. 

miko no mai dancing

miko no mai parade

                             Miko no mai (shrine maidens dancing) 

At festivals held at shrines large floats are used to carry "taiko" (drums) and decorative portable shrine called "mikoshi" (carriage of deity).

mikoshi uprising

 The "Mikoshi" is carried on the shoulders of bearers to be moved in a parade to the cry of "Wasshoi" (to carry harmony).

matsuri characters

matsuri parade

The fearsome demon also participates in the parade...

matsuri demon

And the priest...

shinto priest

Many matsuri are held under the initiative of shrines or temples and have many purpose or meanings besides the good harvests: warding off evil, protection from a plague, state of perfect health, peace and longevity, harmonious marriage, fertility and family prosperity, ancestor worship, abundance and joy to all people, universal peace...

Recently a North Korean missile flew over Hokkaido, but do not worry about us, we are blessed.
Peace, happiness and common sense for everyone!