
Showing posts with label berry plantation-shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berry plantation-shop. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Cycling. Shirogane blue pond. "Aoii Ike".

This morning I left for a two-hour bike ride.

And suddenly I found this ...

curious building mock-up higashikawa

I had to stop, I love this kind of stuff.

And got a message on my phone: 
I had the day off!

Then this image came out like a flash.

shirogane blue pond

It was a pending issue.
Shirogane blue pond.

I took this direction. Mount Tokachi from Biei.

riding to mount tokachi

My gift day was perfect.

Even too hot.

bike ride fresh break shirogane

In this cool place I consulted Wikipedia:

"...is a man-made water feature in Biei, Hokkaido, Japan. It is the result of works on the Biei River (美瑛川?), carried out after the 1988 eruption of Mount Tokachi, to protect the town of Biei from volcanic mudflows. The colour is thought to result from the accidental presence of colloidal aluminium hydroxide in the water."

Man-made??? I did not expect. My interest increased and I pedaled again.

biei berry plantation-shop

A berry plantation-shop!
I love berrys!
It's closed, it's not the right season...

Up hill.

shirogane riding up hill

2 kilometers!

2 kilometres signal shirogane blue pond

I had never seen this color in nature. How beautyful! However, a strange feeling. It must be for the dead trees and the stillness of the water. Is it alive?

shirogane blue pond aoii ike

Colloidal Alluminium hydroxide eh? Ummhh...

There were many tourists and cameras. I looked for a quiet place to rest and make sense.

shirogane dam

Yes, man-made. 
In any case, wonderful!

Can you see the white rabbit?

Going down was pleasant, fresh air on my chest.
But I had to stop here...

shirogane road bar


shirogane road stop soft cream

Biei's milk is excellent then soft cream...

On the way back I found this house in Biei.

biei curious round slope house

It deserves to enter the collection "curious buildings" of Asahidake tours!

See you on the next ride!